Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Employee Screening Questions Too Intrusive

I just filled out an online application for a major retail chain and, after the main application where I submitted my legitimate information, came across the "personality screening" section that included the following:
  • You have big regrets about your past.
  • You were absent very few days from high school.
  • Your stuff is often kind of messy.
  • You have always had good behavior in school or work.
  • Your friends and family approve of the things you do.
  • You have to give up on some things that you start.
  • You look back and feel bad about things you've done.
  • You sometimes thought seriously about quitting high school.
The answer choices were "Strongly Agree," "Agree," "Disagree," and "Strongly Disagree." You couldn't weasel your way out with a choice like "Neutral" or "Neither."

Personally, I wish there had been one labeled, "None of your damn business!"

After that one about quitting high school, I stopped worrying about whether they'd like my answers or not. I'm not sure I want to work for a company that weeds people out based on how they click radio buttons on a web form before they actually get to meet me in person or talk to people who actually know me.

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