Monday, November 21, 2011
A Skunk's Visit is Welcome
This big beautiful boy stopped in for a drink from the water dish set out for the feral cats. The picture quality suffers because it was taken through a storm door. Couldn't open the door or he'd let me have it! More important, he just wanted to quench his thirst and there aren't too many water sources around here. Even the cats respected him, albeit grudgingly.
After getting his drink, he just went about his business.
Life doesn't offer treats like this often enough. Gotta enjoy 'em when we get 'em.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Dispicable Mocking of Special-Needs Student
"Jeremy Hollinger, a special education teacher in Mobile, Ala., is facing criticism after allegedly posting material on Facebook mocking special needs students, WALA-TV reports."
This is not going to help me learn to like or accept Facebook.
Kids in special ed are especially vulnerable to the effects of child abuse, no matter who commits it. The very act of segregating such kids, particularly those who have sufficient mental capacity to be aware that they are apart from "normal" pupils, can be hurtful.
I could spend hours writing about this topic. Suffice it to say (for now) that teachers have a substantial influence (good, bad, neutral) on child development. Not only that, but the bad ones sully the entire profession. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized that such jerks make up a minority of the profession.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Beware Questionable Package Notices
I called the number (after using the "Caller ID" block on my phone to remain anonymous). only to hear a leave-your-name-number-message instruction typical for a home answering machine. I guess that is how they circumvent the problem of callers slamming the phone down upon hearing a recorded sales pitch.
I wonder if anyone knows more about this person.
The Columbus Dispatch had an article on a similar notice circulating in their area, warning consumers not to respond. (The notice Ohio residents got used an 800 number.)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Skunk Totem's Blog: A Twitter-Free, Facebook-Free Zone
No, I don't drive a '72 Pinto with an 8-track player. I don't have a black-and-white TV. And if I hated the Internet, you wouldn't be reading this. But I am content with my Stupid Phone and a computer that must be plugged in. If I wrote books, I'd have them available on Kindle (but I read the old fashioned kind: no batteries required.) I, Ms. Rauch, and other "Slow Media" advocates bristle that we are Luddites or even "anti-broadband." We just want to take our technology in smaller doses. I love peanut butter, but that doesn't mean I want three pounds of it in one sitting or to put it on everything I eat.
Toyota Highlander Kid Sucks
Update: I don't know how I missed this article from "Is Toyota Lame for Calling Parents Lame?" (November 10, 2010). That article quotes a Toyota spokesperson who responded, in part, "Our values as a company have always been to put our customers first and provide them the highest levels of respect and understanding." But just a few sentences downstream (after blathering about "research") he includes, "While we regret that the ads have been misconstrued as insensitive [and] we don’t have any plans at this time to discontinue the campaign (emphasis mine)." So much for providing the highest levels of respect and understanding. C'mon, Toyota, you don't have to give us an apology on the front page of the New York Times, just yank the damn ads! The only car that brat would inspire me to buy is a secondhand Buick Roadmaster station wagon.